
Hello dear friends!

Yes! EasyHits4U is a popular traffic exchange program with over 1.700.000 members. You have to visit other user's websites and other users will visit yours. Traffic rate here is 1:1 which means for every site you visit you get 1 credit which means 1 visit to your site. But let's start it from the beginning.

First of all you'll have to join EasyHits4You by clicking the banner below:

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

You'll be redirected to EasyHits4You's main page.


Click "Sign Up"


You'll be prompted with this screen.


Click "Fill out short registration form"


Complete all the required fields and click "Sign Up"


You'll have to confirm your registration. To do this just authenticate to your email account and click the verification link enclosed inside your email. Once this step is completed, login into your account. It should look like this:


As you can see the interface is user-frendly so even if you are a begginer, you'll get along just fine. In order to start surfing and earn some credits you need to setup a website where you should assing your credits in order to get visits to that specific site. To do this click "Websites":


It will take you to "Websites" section. Click "Add a new site" and then you'll have to enter the link of your site or your affiliate link and specify a name


If you want to set up your website to be showed in a specific area or country, click on "Advanced settings" and set up your desired configuration. Note that Geo-targeted views will cost 2 credits for 1 view. When you're done, hit "Submit website". Your website will open in site's frame to verify if everything works as it should. Wait the timer to finnish and solve chaptcha. Your site should be ready. The same procedure you'll have to follow if you want to add a banner or a text ad. One more thing you should do before start surfing is to set your auto-assign ratio. This setting will tell the system how many of your credits will go automaticaly to your active websites. To do this click on "Settings"


And set the "Auto-assign ratio" field to 100%


This means that all the credits will go automatically to your websites.

Now, let's start surfing!

Click on "(1:1) Start Surfing"


This means that you're about to view a website for 20 seconds and you will earn 1 credit. If you choose Surfing (2:1) it means that you're going to view a website for 15 seconds and you will earn 0.5 credits. The surf system will open up and you'll have to wait for the timer bar to fill in.


Once the timer bar has filled in you'll have to select one of the identical images or to solve a simple math equation.


If everything went alright you will proceed to another website and the process will repeat. Note that the site will display how much sites you have visited and how much credits you have earned.

You'll also get some bonuses. At some point, after a number of websites surfed, you will get some banner impressions, text ad impressions (you can use these for promoting your banners or text ads), or free credits. These bonuses will spawn after you have surfed 25 sites, 50 sites, 75 sites, 100 sites and above 100 sites surfed they will spawn from 50 to 50 sites surfed. When you get to one of these pages, just click "Claim Your Prize"


And find out what have you earned


And that's most of EasyHits4You. Is a great traffic exchange which will boost your site's traffic higher than you expected.

Also, don’t forget to check out the “Spare a few bucks” section. You’ll learn how to use traffic exchange websites in order to earn a stable cash flow each and every month.

I wish you a good day and good luck!

EasyHits4U is most likely the most popular traffic exchange website.